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PR Checklist

When contributing code through a pull request, please check the following:

Web Checks

  • npm run lint (linting via ESLint)
  • npm run format (formatting via Prettier)
  • npm run check:svelte (Type checking via SvelteKit)
  • npm test (unit tests)


  • npm run format (formatting via Prettier)
  • Update the _redirects file if you have renamed a page or removed it from the documentation.

Run all web checks with npm run check:all

Server Checks

  • npm run lint (linting via ESLint)
  • npm run format (formatting via Prettier)
  • npm run check (Type checking via tsc)
  • npm test (unit tests)

Run all server checks with npm run check:all

Auto Fix

You can use npm run __:fix to potentially correct some issues automatically for npm run format and lint.


The OpenAPI client libraries need to be regenerated whenever there are changes to the immich-openapi-specs.json file. Note that you should not modify this file directly as it is auto-generated. See OpenAPI for more details.

Database Migrations

A database migration needs to be generated whenever there are changes to server/src/infra/src/entities. See Database Migration for more details.